
In order to try to keep this space as safe and inclusive as we can, there are a number of basic ground rules we expect all members to follow.

Please read these carefully and decide if you can keep to them before you join.

While you are not required to share naked pictures or share sexual content yourself, by being a member of this community you accept that other members of the community will be sharing nudity and sexual content freely.

Most countries have a minimum age requirement for being able to give informed consent – in the UK this is 18. You must not enter if you are under this age or the minimum age in your country of residence.

2. Don’t be creepy

We define creepy as giving unwanted attention to individuals. You’re expected to be respectful towards people’s personal boundaries and their own preferences.

Keep your flirting in the open spaces, not in private chats. If your flirting is not reciprocated, or someone says they don’t like something you said, please stop it. If you ask for something from someone, be prepared for them to say no.

You cannot make someone like you or be friends with you. If you disagree with this statement, this community is not for you.

3. Shame is prohibited, even for fun

In this community we believe that all kinds of bodies should be celebrated. Even if you think it’s lighthearted or funny, it is forbidden to shame someone about their appearance.

If you are disgusted by or uncomfortable around bodies with the same genitals as you, trans bodies, disabled bodies, any race, fat bodies, thin bodies, etc. then you are not welcome in this community.

4. You must own your content before sharing it

Content you share must be content you have created, or that you have the permission of the creator to share. Just because you can find something on the internet does not mean you are welcome to share it here.

If your content contains images or details of other people, you must get their consent and invite them to join this community before you share it. They don’t have to accept your invitation to join the community but they must give their consent regardless.

If someone withdraws their consent at a later date, it is your responsibility to find and delete any content you previously shared of them.

5. What happens in stays in

Everything you see in this community is to be kept within the community. You must not share anything you see or hear in the community with anyone outside the community.

If you recognise someone from the community in another context, you must message them through the community to get their consent before revealing how you know them to anyone outside the community.

You must not download any content. This is not a porn site and people are sharing their content under the agreement that it will be within their control to delete it in the future. If you download anything, you violate that agreement by creating a copy that they do not control.

It is impossible for an internet site to prevent copying through electronic means, so we’re asking you to do this as a rule and because it’s the right thing to do.

6. No lurking

We define lurking as logging in, reading a conversation and not contributing to that conversation.

We want to avoid this because we don’t want accidentally turning into a porn site, where loads of people join just to watch other people play with no intention of becoming part of the community. If that happened, we feel people would be more reluctant to share because they would feel more like the game was a public show than an intimate setting.

When you join the community, we expect you to introduce yourself in the “Lounge” channel.

You should not feel pressure that you have to log in and take part in everything – it’s not lurking if you’re just too busy or otherwise engaged to take part.

But if you are logging in and reading the content, you’re expected to join in, at least from time to time. Joining in can be as simple as using an “emoji reaction” to one or two messages but it’s even better if you add replies to conversations.

It doesn’t mean you have to reply to every single message - it’s just a way of indicating to people playing that you are there.

This rule doesn’t require you to create and post your own content, or to start conversations, only that you openly respond to the conversations and content that you see.

We might also move people out of games rooms if they look like they’re not present in the game. Please just move back into the room when you return, if that has happened to you.

7. Games must be inclusive

Many “traditional” sex games make assumptions about characteristics of the players, often that they are cisgender, heterosexual and non-disabled.

In we expect games to be designed and played in an inclusive way – the rules themselves and the moves you make during a game should not make assumptions about another player’s gender, body type, (non-)disability, or anything that causes players to be marginalised by society (race, religion, parenthood etc.)

It’s likely people will make mistakes when it comes to inclusion. We ask that when this happens, you alert a moderator who will discuss the issue with the person. If a person repeats the behaviour after being spoken to, then it will be considered a breach of the rules.

Moderation process

If you spot a violation of the rules, please bring it to the attention of the moderators, using any of the approaches on the contact us page.

We will discuss the issue with you and if we agree it is a rules violation we will talk to the person involved privately to let them know which behaviour we would like them to change.

If someone shows no desire to change, or refuses to engage in conversation with a moderator about it, or pushes back against the rules, or they violate the same rule again, we will remove them from the community.

Some rules violations will result in immediate removal, and the moderators’ decision is final. An example of a rules violation that would result in immediate removal would be if it was discovered that someone had downloaded someone’s nude without consent and saved it to their own Google Drive.