Other games

The Playtest room

Part of the fun of the disrob.ing community is finding new ways to play flirty games online. The Playtest room is all about discussing and playing new games!

Joining the Playtest room

You don’t have to have an idea to join the Playtest room. If you want to discuss other people’s ideas and maybe play games that aren’t yet ready for the big time, get in this room and join the discussion!

Adapting an existing game

Maybe you’ve played an existing game in other contexts and you think you have found a way to adapt it for the online “chat room” environment. Or you’d like someone else to have a go at adapting it.

Maybe it’s a game that already has flirty qualities, or maybe you want to adapt it to be flirtier!

Some examples of games off the top of my head that are ripe for adaptation include:

  • Strip poker
  • “Don’t say the word” games in the vein of Taboo, Articulate
  • Musical chairs
  • Naked Twister

It’s OK to start a discussion any time about a game you’d like to adapt. If you also have an idea for how the rules will play out, suggest these too.

Be careful of copyright - we can’t rip off games that are still in copyright, although we could be inspired by them.

Designing a new game

What would be really amazing is if people come up with completely new games to play. These will need more of the rules explaining, of course, so maybe you want to create a document online (e.g. with Simplenote) to share the rules with the other players.


If people are interested, maybe a group will form to playtest the game with you.

There should only be one game playtest going on in the room at the same time. If a playtest takes a long time and there’s a vibe of wanting to take the conversation in the main Playtest room in another direction, you might want to start a new private room with the playtesters.

Sometimes Bot might be able to help with aspects of the rules (e.g. if you need a dice roll). Sometimes you’ll need a tool that isn’t currently available in Bot (e.g. a timer). It’s OK to use tools from the wider internet to help - do whatever works for you!

Promoting a game to an official disrob.ing game

If enough people like playing a game in the Playtest room, we’ll do the work to promote it to an official game on this site with its own room and its own rule page. If you want to suggest this, speak to a moderator in the Help room!