Privacy policy

This is a brief summary of how we intend to keep your data safe at You can find out more by contacting us.

What data we collect


This website currently collects only basic logging information for the purpose of debugging.

It does not issue any cookies or install any service workers.

We reserve the right to add analytics tracking (e.g. Google Analytics) in the future. If we do, we will update this policy.

Matrix community

The Matrix community is based on Synapse - you can read the Synapse documentation to learn more about what data it collects.

The data exchanged in encrypted rooms is end-to-end encrypted. The time, the room the message was posted in, and the user that posted it, are not stored in encrypted form, the but contents of the message (including any attachments) are stored in encrypted form. That means anyone with access to the server (admins and web hosts) cannot see what was in the messages, unless they are also a member of the community and were in the room at the time you posted them.

Attachments uploaded by your user in encrypted rooms may be stored on the server (and/or on your user’s homeserver, such as in their encrypted form. Someone with access to the server would see the filenames, but not the contents of the files.

All rooms owned and managed by the community will be encrypted. However, users can create informal rooms for private chats or playing games outside the main rooms. Always check these rooms are encrypted before you post anything sensitive in them: anything posted in an unencrypted room will be uploaded to the server unencrypted.

What third-party hosting we use

This website is hosted by Netlify. It is a static site built from a Jekyll repository, which is hosted at GitHub.

The Matrix community is hosted on a server managed by They in turn buy their server hardware from Hetzner Cloud. The people at can and do log into the server. However, because the data exchanged in our community is encrypted, they will not be able to see the contents of your messages. You can read’s privacy policy here.

The Maubot known as “Bot” is self-hosted by the admin Quinn on cloud hardware purchased from Ionos. It runs on an Ubuntu system that has automated security updates enabled.

Your rights is subject to the laws of the United Kingdom, and we will endeavour to keep to those laws.

You have a number of rights as a data subject under GDPR chapter 3. We would be happy to help you exercise those rights in the event you need to. Please discuss this with us by contacting us.

Please bear in mind that this is a hobby project currently managed by an individual and not a company. It might take a while for us to respond, so please bear with us!