Never Have I Ever

Never Have I Ever is a low-stakes game where people try to guess things that they have never done that other people in the room might have done.

There are no winners and losers, but hopefully it opens up some interesting conversation about people’s lives!

How we play on

You can think of the Never Have I Ever room as one long game of Never Have I Ever.

People can drop in and take part whenever they feel like it, or you could add some more excitement and pacing to the game by asking in Lounge if people want to play at a specific time.

Making a move

There’s no need for a turn order in this game. Make a move whenever you feel like making a move. Please consider the following etiquette:

  1. If someone else played a move recently, people may not have had a chance to interact with it or talk about it.
  2. If you have played recently, you might be “hogging” the game – make sure you give other people who haven’t played recently a chance to make a move before you make yours.

To make a move, start a message with the phrase “Never have I ever”, and then follow it with something you’ve never done. For example:

Never have I ever eaten food off another person’s body

Responding to a move

When you see someone else make a move, to play all you need to do is use the emoji reaction to react to the message.

If you have done the thing in question (in this example, if you have ever eaten food off another person’s body), use the emoji reaction button on the message and select any emoji that represents a drink: for example, tumbler [🥃], teapot [🫖], glass with straw [🥤] or champagne bottle [🍾]. (This represents the “taking a drink” in the drinking game version!)

If you have not done the thing, select any other emoji. For example, aubergine [🍆] or bullet train [🚅].

You’re encouraged to talk about the move! Maybe someone who responded with the drink would like to tell the story of how they came to have done the thing. Maybe people who have never done the thing would like to talk about whether they’d like to do the thing one day or why they never want to.

How to make a good move

The best moves in this game are things that meet all of these criteria:

  1. The thing should be something that it is practical for you to do. For example, if you have a penis you might not want to say “never have I ever received cunnilingus”.
  2. The thing should be something that it is a bit likely at least one or two people in the room will have done. For example, you might not want to say “Never have I ever had sex with Jason Statham”.
  3. The thing should be something that it would be exciting to find out someone has done. For example, you might not want to say “Never have I ever eaten a cheese and tomato pizza”.

None of these are strict rules; they’re just guidelines to make the game more fun.

Here’s some examples of potentially good moves (if they’re things you’ve never done!):

Never have I ever had anal sex

Never have I ever shoplifted

Never have I ever been in a topless bar

Other things to remember

  1. Moves must be inclusive
  2. People don’t have to explain their response to a move. Sometimes the mystery is fun too.
  3. People can only see messages posted after they join. If someone joins the room while people are still playing a move, maybe clue them into what everyone is talking about!