
What each room in is for

General rooms

An avatar for lounge


Lounge is the front room of Any kind of chat is welcome in here (as long as it follows the rules!) and it’s where people might suggest playing games in one of the other rooms, or just spend time mingling and flirting with other members.

It’s really important that you introduce yourself in the Lounge when you first join. You don’t have to share any personal information you’re not comfortable with, but letting people know who you are and why you joined will help people feel comfortable interacting with you.

An avatar for help


Go to the Help room to talk to the moderators.

You can use this space to ask questions about how to use the technology, the rules or etiquette, or to suggest ideas or raise concerns.

An avatar for irl


Since we are a community aimed at the UK, it’s conceivable that we might want to meet up in person sometimes, either as social events or perhaps to play flirty games for real.

If you want to talk about anything to do with meeting in person, the IRL channel is the place to do it.

Games rooms

An avatar for playtest


Have you thought of a fun idea for a flirty game or want to join in with testing other people’s ideas?

The Playtest room is the place to talk about game ideas and play games that don’t yet have their own room in the community.

If a game is sufficiently fun, we’ll be happy to add the rules to this site and create a new room for us to play it in the future!

Learn more about the Playtest room on the other games page on this site.

An avatar for never-have-i-ever

Never Have I Ever

Never Have I Ever is a simple game where you try to guess things you’ve never done that other people might have done and maybe discover some shocking stories!

This room acts as a kind of never-ending game of Never Have I Ever. The rules for the version we play here can be found on the Never Have I Ever page on this site.

An avatar for picture-contest

Picture contest

Picture contest is a game where one player dares the other players to create a picture on a theme, and it is played in this room.

You can find out the rules for how we play this game on the picture contest page on this site.

An avatar for truth-or-dare

Truth or Dare

Truth or Dare is a more elaborate game where players take it in turns to dare other players to reveal truths or do something flirty or revealing.

This game room requires a little planning and also the assistance of our friendly Bot.

All the rules for how we play Truth or Dare can be found on the Truth or Dare page on this site.

Create a room?

We’re always interested in discussing whether we need more rooms for specific purposes. Join the Help room to talk about your ideas with a moderator!