Contact us

You can find our contact details on this page, if you’d like to get in touch, for example:

  • you want to know more about the community and how it works
  • you have a question about the rules or etiquette
  • you want to understand how we keep the community as safe as possible
  • you want to report a rules violation
  • you want to suggest a new game or a rules change for one of the games
  • anything else you might like to talk to us about!

The Help room

If you’re already in the community, the easiest way to contact us is to post in the Help room. We’ll be able to chat with you but also other community members might be able to offer their perspective, and of course they might have the same question as you.

By private message

If you’d prefer to talk privately, please look for any user with “Mod” next to their name in the channel (for example, Quinn) and start a private message with them.

Please do not talk to “Admin user” – this user’s account is not monitored so we will likely miss your message.

By email

If you’re not already a member of the community, or you’d like to talk by email, our email address is .