Picture contest

Picture contest is a game with no winners or losers where we encourage each other to send in pictures on a given theme.

How we play on disrob.ing

You can find the picture contest in the Picture contest room.

Each individual contest is a game in its own right and anyone can start a contest at any time.

Starting a contest

To start a new picture contest, go to the Picture contest room and say:

New picture contest: send me your best [theme]

and attach your starting picture.

The theme can be any theme from the mundane to the completely eccentric, but you must attach your own picture on the theme to start a game.

Examples of contest themes

Contest themes could be flirty or sexual or they could be unusual prompts that encourage people to be creative with their pictures. The sentence doesn’t have to be grammatically correct - sometimes you might allow more creativity if you just use an adjective as the theme.

Some examples might be:

New picture contest: send me your best picture of a body part

New picture contest: send me your best item from your kitchen

New picture contest: send me your best sex face

New picture contest: send me your best purple

New picture contest: send me your best outdoors

New picture contest: send me your best episode of a primetime TV show

Making a move

To make a move, hit “reply” on the starting message and attach your picture. You can also, of course, explain what people are looking at… or say nothing to preserve the mystery.

What counts as a picture?

Anything creative that conjures up an image counts as a picture. This could be:

  • a photo you’ve taken
  • a drawing or doodle
  • a poem
  • a collage
  • a website? I don’t know… basically whatever you like!

But remember, you must own your content before sharing it and if your picture contains anyone else, you must have their consent and invite them to join disrob.ing.

Good etiquette & things to remember

  1. Try not to start a new contest when one is still getting lots of attention. People can still reply to an older contest even when a new one has started but it might take the wind out of its sails.
  2. This is not a porn site. If you’re looking at people’s pictures, you don’t have to add pictures of your own but you are expected to at least emoji-react to them.
  3. Conversation is good! Feel free to talk about the contest and the entries!
  4. What happens in disrob.ing stays in disrob.ing.
  5. If someone joins the room partway through a contest, they won’t have seen the message introducing the contest. Please help them by repeating the theme!